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Food Security & Aid Tracker

How much is spent on food security and nutrition? Where is it spent, and on what intervention areas? 

Currently, there are over 10 operational definitions used to track official development assistance (ODA)  derived from the Organization of Economic Cooperation Development (OECD) Development Assistance Committee’s (DAC) Creditor Reporting System (CRS). This database classifies ODA records according to donor, recipient, the purpose of aid, flow type (commitment or disbursement), as well as other variables.


However, each definition uses a different selection of aid purpose codes leading to huge differences in estimated spending. Depending on the definition used, estimates differ  – from USD 5.9 billion to USD 63.8 billion. This makes it difficult to understand how much is spent, where it is spent, the target of the spending, as well as the analysis of trends and outcomes towards achieving SDG 2.

Comparisons of the volume of official development assistance (ODA) grants for food security and nutrition according to different definitions, 2007–2021

Multiple trackers exist, each uncovering different parts of the aid story. The FAO and the Shamba Centre for Food & Climate mapped and reviewed 19 trackers – 16 ODA trackers and three non-ODA trackers – with the aim of identifying their strengths and gaps, as well as their features and tools, to determine the value added of a new aid tracker.

To progress towards a more coherent framework, the FAO and the Shamba Centre, as part of the Hesat2030 project, outlined the need for a new food security and nutrition aid tracker. Donor stakeholders have indicated strong support for a food security and nutrition aid tracker that would enable them to better track, monitor, and analyse the quantity and quality of ODA to food security and nutrition.


The new Food Security and Nutrition Aid Tracker will launch in 2025.

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