Countries are not progressing sufficiently to meet the targets of Sustainable Development Goal 2
Currently, 735 million people are chronically undernourished and 1.2 billion people lack consistent access to diverse, safe, and nutrient-rich foods.
Prolonged and repeated food insecurity and undernutrition, especially during critical life stages, such as early childhood, adolescence and pregnancy, poses long-term consequences.

Evidence synthesis and economic modelling of nutrition-sensitive interventions
With our partners, the Shamba Centre for Food & Climate, the JUNO Evidence Alliance and the FAO, Hesat2030 is developing a comprehensive assessment and economic modelling of nutrition-sensitive interventions to determine the additional public investment needed to achieve food and nutrition security in the most vulnerable populations by 2030, and within the limits set by the Paris climate agreement.
Provide a comprehensive analysis and costing of the most effective nutrition sensitive interventions in agrifood systems that improve diets and nutrition.
Formulate evidence-based recommendations on climate-smart actions that achieve healthy diets and improve nutrition sustainably, without breaching the 1.5 °C threshold.
Advance the understanding of the linkages between multiple nutrition sensitive interventions in order to maximise impact.
Facilitate consensus among practitioners of nutrition and foods systems policies on a shortlist of essential actions to take.
These recommendations will help inform policy makers and the donor community on how to prioritize their investments for maximum impact.
This is especially timely given as many countries deliberate on their commitments for the upcoming Nutrition for Growth summit in March 2025. It also complements similar work underway such as the World Bank’s Investment Framework for Nutrition which focuses on nutrition specific and sensitive interventions in relation to health targets.