Our Work

Catalyze Action
We engage with donors and agencies on major initiatives in food security, nutrition, agriculture, gender equality, and climate change, and we secure commitments from governments, the private sector and civil society to implement recommendations in policies, programmes and projects.
New Evidence
We research and prepare a variety of reports, including deep dives with evidence-based, costed roadmaps for countries and regions; a State of The Field report about how scientific research contributes to food systems transformation; new cost modelling integrating gender, climate change, and nutrition; and a global report on effective interventions & costs to end hunger sustainably, nutritiously, and equitably
Tools For Development
We are launching an online platform for donors to track, monitor & analyse ODA for agriculture and food security. We are also developing AI processes to support evidence & assessment projects and creating new frameworks that can be used to support agricultural and nutrition research. We are ensuring strong, standardized evidence collection and synthesis by publishing normative guidance and training materials
Partnerships & Advocacy
We are forming strategic partnerships and alliances with research, civil society, the private sector & across agencies, and working with the Innovation Commission on Climate Change, Food Security, and Agriculture on to help identify and implement mechanisms that encourage innovation development.
Hesat2030 works with donors, governments, and other partners to achieve an increase in the quality and quantity of Official Development Assistance (ODA) for agriculture and food security. Together with our coalition of global and local partners, we are unleashing agriculture's full potential to scale up solutions in nutrition, climate change, women's empowerment, and social inclusion as part of donor and international agency policies, programs and strategic plans.

Catalyzing Action
The Zero Hunger Coalition
The Zero Hunger Coalition coordinates action, development assistance and investment to help countries achieve zero hunger by 2030. It is science-based and implements the 10 high-impact investment areas identified in Ceres2030.
The coalition has received strong political support, including in the G7 Leaders Declaration on Global Food Security, G7 Development Ministers Communiqué, and the G7 Chair’s Summary.
It is led by the Shamba Centre For Food & Climate, together with FAO, GAIN, IFAD and WFP.

New Evidence
The Juno Evidence Alliance
Could AI help inform decisionmakers and direct investment where it is truly needed and where it could make the most impact?
The Juno Evidence Alliance uses innovations in artificial intelligence to synthesize millions of sources of information, expanding the evidence base and reducing workloads for new evidence creation by as much as 50%.

A new landscape report – the State of the Field for Agricultural Research – will use artificial intelligence to assess the contributions of millions of scientific and development papers across the agrifood system.
The report aims to lay the groundwork for opportunities to evaluate science and development’s contribution towards global goals on a scale that we we have previously been unable to assess, using reproducible and transparent methods that will allow the report to be updated and improved upon over time, with open protocols and search strategies.
Until now, such ambitious evaluations have been outside of our grasp because they require immense computational power, and the availability of massive amounts of high-quality, representative data.

Tools For Development
Agriculture and Food Security ODA Tracker
There are vastly different estimates for how much ODA is spent on agriculture and food security issues -- anywhere from $5.9 billion to , $63.8 billion USD -- as well as where it is spent, on what it is spent, and the subsequent analysis of trends and outcomes.
This makes it hard to know what more needs to be done, where it needs to be done, and by whom.

In response to this, the Food Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is creating an Agriculture & Food Security ODA Platform to analyse gaps and overconcentration in donor spending, and make the case for more and better aid.
Helping donors track and monitor commitments aligned to the Ceres2030 recommendations using new tools is essential component of this work. It includes updating the operational definitions and benchmarks of agriculture and food security ODA using a holistic approach that better reflects the contribution of ODA spending towards food security.

Partnerships & Advocacy
The Zero Hunger Private Sector Pledge
We convene strategic partnerships and engage with key international initiatives to transform food systems to deliver on hunger, poverty, healthy diets, and climate change.
The Zero Hunger Private Sector Pledge is one example of an initiative. Building on the findings from the Ceres2030 study, it calls on companies to align their business investments with 10 intervention areas in 90 priority countries for high impact towards sustainably ending hunger.